Cornwall Golf Captains
Cornwall Golf Captains Society
The name of the Society shall be the “Cornwall Golf Captains ”
To promote interest in golf and to create fellowship amongst the past and present Captains of Cornish Golf Clubs affiliated to the Cornwall Golf Union.
Captains and Past Captains of affiliated golf clubs which provide courtesy of their course for Society meetings and fixtures shall be eligible to apply for membership and it shall be the duty of a retiring Club Captain member to acquaint his successor of the qualification for membership. Subject to paragraph 10 below membership shall be for life.
4.Entrance and Subscription Fees
The amount of any entrance and annual subscriptions shall be decided by the Committee.
5.Officers and Committee
The officers shall be the President, the Captain, the Vice Captain, the immediate Past Captain, the Secretary, the Assistant Secretary and the Treasurer. All will be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
The President may hold office for 2 years, the Captain and Vice- Captain for 1 year.
The Committee shall comprise the Officers together with two members elected at the A.G.M. who shall hold office for 3 years and shall be eligible for re- election. The Captain shall preside at meetings of the Committee and the Committee shall have the power to manage affairs of the Cornwall Golf Captains in accordance with these rules.
Casual vacancies may be filled by the Committee by co- option until the following A.G.M.
6.General Meetings
The Annual General Meeting shall be held at the Spring Meeting. All members registered on the Society's Database shall be notified a minimum of 14 days in advance of any General Meeting. Propositions for the A.G.M. must be received in writing by the Secretary not later than the 31st January in any year.
An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened if required by the Committee or upon written request of not less than 30 members.
The President shall preside at General Meetings or in his absence such senior member as the meeting shall decide.
The quorum for a meeting of the Committee shall be 3 and no business shall be conducted at a General Meeting unless a quorum of 30 members present.
The accounts for the preceding financial year ending on the 31st December shall be presented to the A.G.M. having previously been certified.
9.Competitions and Matches
All Annual Meetings and Matches shall be arranged by the General Committee at which The Captain or Past Captain shall preside.
10.Removal of Members
If a complaint be lodged in writing to the Committee concerning the conduct of any member, such complaint, if considered to be applicable, shall be intimated to the member by a letter signed on behalf of the Committee, inviting the member to attend in person to address a meeting to consider such complaint. If after such meeting the Committee by a two thirds majority of those present and voting decide that the member shall be removed from membership, then he shall cease to be a member.
The Hon. Secretary shall be empowered, within his discretion, to remove from the mailing list any member who does not, over a consecutive period of 3 years, reply to an invitation to take part in a competition or match.
The Committee shall have the power to determine any matter on which these rules are silent.
None of these rules shall be revoked or carried and no new rule shall be approved except by a majority of two thirds of those members present and voting at a General Meeting.